If you could go back to the late 90s ...

2021 October 29 22:03 kaxline 893¤

... and invest in a category of technology, but not a specific company, what would you invest in? How would you communicate to people what the next two decades was going to look like?

This is essentially where we're at with Web 3. The enthusiasts see the potential, but it's potentially a decade or more off. Meanwhile, trying to explain the specifics to the uninitiated is painful. It's like getting really excited about TCP and HTML in the late 90s and telling people it will someday lead to YouTube. It just doesn't connect and people think you're insane.

If you get people interested because of the money, then they're kind of missing the bigger picture.

In any case, I feel lucky to be early since I never thought I'd get a shot at riding another wave like the Dotcom/Web 2 explosion.

What's the best way to handle being early to a technology that will someday run the world?

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